cPanel: Managing DNS records

Please refer to the steps below to modify DNS records in cPanel.

1. Login to your cPanel (EG.
2. Click Zone Editor under "Domains" section.
3. Click Manage to view all DNS records in control panel.
4. Click Add Record to add new DNS record. A new line will appear in the DNS zone.
5. Fill in the following details:
Name: Enter DNS record name
TTL: Leave as default
Type: Select the DNS record type from the drop-down menu (EG. A, TXT, MX, CNAME, etc.)
Record: Enter DNS record value/destination
6. Click Save Record to save the changes.

To edit the existing DNS record, click Edit to modify the record.
To delete the existing DNS record, click Delete to remove the record.

Note : Any DNS record added will take up to 24-48 hours to fully propagated.

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