Dear Valued Customers,

This is to notify Horde webmail interface users that Horde will be discontinued by cPanel on the 31st of December 2022.

This is because Horde runs on an outdated version of PHP that comes with security vulnerabilities.
For more information, you can refer to the depreciation plan released by cPanel

We encourage you to switch over to the alternate webmail interface, Roundcube, as soon as possible to familiarize with the new interface.
You can also check out the links below to migrate your calendars and contacts as a backup.

How to migrate contact address book from Horde to Roundcube

How to migrate calendar from Horde to Roundcube

Visit the URL below to learn more about the discontinuity of Horde by cPanel.


Best Regards,

Technical Team
Yeahhost Sdn Bhd

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

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